Jan. 2021 |
| http://www.ludwigrobinson.com/news-a-publications/developments
Banking & Insurance Review
- 11th Circuit in investment wire fraud case affirms use of deposit agreement on motion to dismiss while recognizing potential duties to non-customers
- California court in email wire fraud case permits amended complaint for negligent account opening against beneficiary’s bank
- Virginia court in email ACH funds transfer fraud case relies on NACHA rules in permitting claims against bank
- Nevada bench trial applies UCC in allocating loss between hacked seller and duped buyer
- California court dismisses business email compromise/wire transfer fraud coverage case
- FTC settles allegations mortgage analytics company failed to oversee vendor’s data security practices
Nov. 2020 |
Banking & Insurance Review
- L&R obtains prompt full recovery for Polish client in ACH cybercrime case
- 11th Circuit holds investors, not receiver, have third-party standing in Ponzi schemes
- 11th Circuit decisions affirm dismissal of claims against beneficiary’s bank under UCC § 4A-207(b)
- Common law exposure of the beneficiary’s bank continues in fraudulent funds transfer cases
- New York court rejects cut down of UCC Art. 4A’s 1-year notice rule for unauthorized funds transfer
- Ohio court denies dismissal of hotel’s $1.9 million “theoretical” crime loss
- FinCEN Advisory highlights cybercriminals exploiting COVID-19 pandemic for funds transfer fraud
June 2020 |
Banking & Insurance Review
- D.C. law firm victim of email wire fraud fails to sufficiently plead bank aiding and abetting
- Illinois Supreme Court holds non-bank entity is a “bank” under UCC Art. 4A
- Receiving bank in Ohio funds transfer case allowed questionable damages offset
- 11th Circuit holds beneficiary’s bank not liable for funds transfer fraud despite discrepancies
- Bank sanctioned in Minnesota for spoliation of electronic evidence
- Conflicting results in recent funds transfer coverage cases in Virginia
- Cybercriminals exploiting COVID-19 pandemic for funds transfer fraud
- L&R presented at American Bar Association Fidelity & Surety Mid-Winter Conference in New York
June 2014 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- L&R obtains summary judgment for PNC Bank in Maryland $5 million banking suit
- The future of payments fraud/counterfeit cashier’s checks
- New York Court of Appeals approves reduction of UCC one-year notice period for reporting check fraud to 14 days
- More federal decisions highlight need to invoke original document defense in financial institution bond cases
- Eighth Circuit upholds ruling in favor of bank in malware wire case where customer refused security procedures and allows attorneys’ fees
Nov. 2013 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- Practicing Safe Cyber: National Institute of Standards and Technology issues
- “Preliminary Cyber-Security Framework” for public comment
Sept. 2013 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- Bank regulators on cyber security: new fraud avoidance guidelines
- Missouri malware wire transfer case results in summary judgment
- Check fraud update: multiple payee checks in Maryland and elsewhere
- Michigan financial institution bond (FIB) cases: original document defense must be timely invoked
- Fraud on the court update: more evidentiary fraud decisions
- Trade secret damages
- Government contracts update: enforcing teaming agreements
Jan. 2011 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- Malware, fraudulent electronic funds transfers, and the role of banking industry regulations
- Loan loss coverage investigations: what documents are relevant
- Loan loss coverage for fake collateral – the overlooked “original” element
- Check fraud update: bank policies and investigation held discoverable in counterfeit check scam
- Financial Reform Act mandates extensive new regulation of banks and financial institutions
Jan. 2010 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- Unauthorized electronic funds transfers by banking malware
- Check fraud warranty rights override bank negligence
- Proper application of contract and tort limitations in actions against auditors and other professionals
- Fraud on the court: the courts’ inherent power to sanction evidentiary fraud
- The new normal in banking and financial services
Jan. 2009 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- Maryland UCC warranty claim in padded payroll scheme
- Washington altered check case
- Auditor liability: the “audit interference” rule and materiality
- Courts recognize account opening liability in UCC cases
- Fictitious vendor/check fraud schemes
- UCC check fraud litigation: more traps for the unwary
- Beyond traps for the unwary: recognizing discovery often yields a treasure trove
June 2008 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- U.S. Supreme Court declines to address widening split under Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, for now
- Indiana Supreme Court recognizes relevance of account opening, and affirms claim under UCC § 3-406
- Refiled Pennsylvania $6 million check fraud case involving relationship between bank and customer
- Connecticut court permits longer of contract and tort limitations in action against Big-Four auditors
- “Effective indorsement” provisions of revised UCC §§ 3-404, 3-405 and the comparative fault allocation rules
- Defending warranty claims: a high-risk game for depositaries
- U.S. Supreme Court holds participants in 401(k)’s can sue for breach of fiduciary duties in individual accounts
June 2007 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- Altered v. counterfeit checks – recent circuit split affects allocation between drawee and depositary banks, and possibly liability under check 21
- Appeals ruling that a depositary owes no duty under UCC to non-customers on account opening vacated, pending decision by Indiana Supreme Court
- Banker dishonesty: recent cases illustrate bank and insurer defenses
- Statute of limitation defenses to check fraud claims and recent cases tolling the limitations period
- Update on strict liability for wire transfers
- Fidelity coverage claim of German subsidiary withdrawn – importance of principal’s personnel file for determining prior acts exclusion
- Second generation anti-money laundering software seeks to improve bank compliance
Sept. 2006 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- U.S. Supreme Court resolves conflict to confirm access for national banks to federal courts
- Indiana court joins majority rule that UCC § 3-406 creates a cause of action, but strikes out on its own in holding a depositary owes no duty under UCC to non-customers on account opening
- Wire transfers: a trap for the unwary can overlook strict liability
- More traps for the unwary: UCC claims and the proper bank
- Recent Illinois and Pennsylvania cases illustrate comparative negligence allocation in check fraud cases
- UCC Warranty rights: frequently powerful yet overlooked tool in check fraud cases
- FI bond coverage of check fraud claims: the applicability of UCC defenses
- Alabama, Georgia courts reach different results on depositary bank use of drawee defense under UCC § 4-406
Jan. 2005 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- L&R tries $20 million Winstar case in U.S. Court of Claims
- N.J. check case shows bank exposure despite comparative negligence
- Maryland counterfeit check case involving drawee automated processing defense
- Automated ATM deposit processing defense
- Texas High Court reaffirms UCC comparative negligence rules do not allow allocation to intentional tortfeasors
- Beware California one-year statute for most drawee claims
- Courts allow cutbacks of 30-day and 1-year rule defenses
- Overlooked action for aiding breach of fiduciary duty
Aug. 2004 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- Colorado new account fraud results in bank liability despite employer negligence
- Courts continue trend to find cause of action under Rev. UCC § 3-406
- Courts limit allocation of comparative negligence liability under Rev. UCC § 3-406 to the bank and the insured
- N.J. claim involving altered check deposited in London
- Nebraska securities brokerage loss illustrates bank exposure under comparative liability regime
- Changing face of money laundering and its rules
Sept. 2003 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- Federal courts in Louisiana and Maryland find new cause of action under UCC § 3-406
- N.Y. case involving large altered check
- Ohio case shows high recovery possible early on despite comparative negligence
- D.C. Court of Appeals affirms jury verdict for contribution
- Large recovery in cross-border engineering fraud action in Kentucky
- Moving the goal posts on director & officer liability
- Treasury announces money laundering regulations for real estate transactions
Aug. 2002 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- L&R defends claims against South Dakota credit card issuer
- New York hospital scheme involving bank and auditor exposure
- New Jersey padded payroll scheme illustrates bank exposure under comparative liability regime
- Classic bank liability in Maryland for opening fictitious corporate accounts
- Update on deposit agreements implicating subrogation rights
- Malicious litigation: too much malice can cause liability for damages, including punitive damages
- Winstar courts pick up pace in issuing liability rulings
- New and proposed money laundering regulations extend to insurers and brokers
Oct. 2001 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- Pennsylvania jury verdict demonstrates auditor exposure for check fraud, regardless of materiality
- Bank services agreements implicating customer fidelity insurance
- Jury verdict for contribution in the District of Columbia
- Appeals court sets “fair and reasonable approximation” standard for proving damages in Winstar-related cases
- Reduced oversight and prosecution of non-terrorist money laundering since September 11
- Maryland case demonstrates auditor liability for check fraud
- SAS 82 audit standards for detecting fraud enhances recovery prospects as to auditors for losses after 1997
- Arkansas case shows liability under revised UCC comparative negligence standard
- International litigation turns on state law time limits
- The Supreme Court’s recent decisions: implications for discrimination claims in terminating employees
- Fraud and conversion trial verdict in the District of Columbia
- Law enforcement steps announced to speed recovery of the proceeds of offshore money laundering
March 2001 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- $15.4 million Virginia check fraud scheme
- Arbitration clause in audit engagement removes general right to discovery, including of audit work papers
- SEC task forces target manipulation of financial information and negligent audits
- New Jersey Supreme Court redefines bad faith under the Uniform Fiduciaries Act
- Long-arm jurisdiction in cases against officers and banks
- Avoiding lender liability disputes
- Insurance fraud cases reflect bases for voiding policy or denying coverage
- International “two-cycle” money laundering
Nov. 1999 |
Litigation & Regulatory Report:
- Recent Texas case illustrates UCC drawer action
- Maryland litigation demonstrates the professional liability of auditors